When Linet Kareha came to KTDP in March 2009, she was working as a housegirl and seeking to find her place in society. .She enrolled and was taken for a one year course in Hairdressing and Beauty. During the training the teachers quickly recognised her leadership skills and made her a class prefect.
By the time she was finishing her course she was housed by a friend and desperate for a job. KTDP took her in as an intern where her skills continued to develop. In 2010 as a result of the growing number of students in the project she was employed as an assistant tutor. KTDP has continued to empower the community as well as its staffs.
Linet has been instrumental in the growth of Hairdressing and connects well with the young students . Many young girls in Kibera grow up in poverty and in trying to escape from such end up in early marriages. Some go as far as getting involved in prostitution. KTDP offers such young girls training which empowers them to maintain their dignity as human beings, seek employment or even start their own small businesses.
Linet is another example of the positive transformation your gift has brought in Kibera.